The confident proponent of 2020: Proving the Case for Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives
The following article is the first in a series on how to deliver on the promise of diversity and inclusion (D & I) initiatives for the professional workplace in the next decade, and why we are better positioned to deliver more provable and implementable initiatives than we were even a few years ago.
In sum, my argument is that, in contrast to the resistance to and failure of D & I initiatives to move the needle to date, the proponent for evidence-based, affordable, and implementable D & I initiatives in 2020 can and should be confident.
Part 1 of this series of columns reviews why making the case for D & I initiatives has been so difficult in the past, even though inequities in access and professional advancement are blatant and enormous; even though the call to action has long been sounded; and even though commitment to D & I has been avowed by hundreds of leading entities in the corporate, legal, and education sectors.
Part 2 revisits the familiar cases for D & I in the workplace and renovates them with analysis and evidence to support them. These are the social justice, business, talent, and climate cases for D & I. The confident proponent should make whichever case will be most convincing for whomever has the power to green- or red-light a diversity initiative—and keep the other cases in their pocket for back-up.
Part 3 addresses the challenges of affordability and implementation that can prevent a decision-maker from adopting and adequately funding D & I initiatives and make rolling out diversity initiatives seem more risky and onerous than they need to be.
The Practical Lawyer
CLICK HERE for the free download of the full article, which was originally published in ALI CLE’s The Practical Lawyer.
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