GREEN LOAN GUIDELINES Lenders and investors alike have become progressively concerned about climate change and the effect their lending and investment decisions may have on the environment. As such, they are seeking ways to reduce their carbon...
Environmental Law Articles
EPA Assistant Administrator, Peter Wright, to Address Environmental Law Conference
American Law Institute Continuing Legal Education (ALI CLE) and the Environmental Law Institute (ELI) have announced that EPA Assistant Administrator, Peter Wright will deliver the keynote address at this year’s 50th anniversary presentation of the...
Environmental Litigation 2019
Washington, D.C., October 11, 2019. American Law Institute Continuing Legal Education (ALI CLE) has announced that Environmental Litigation 2019 will be held on November 14-15, in Washington, D.C. This course covers substantive law in addition to...
EPA Acting Administrator Andrew R. Wheeler to Address Environmental Law Conference in Washington, DC
ALI CLE has announced that EPA Acting Administrator, Andrew R. Wheeler will deliver the keynote address at this year’s Environmental Law 2019 conference. The ALI CLE program will be held on February 7-8, 2019, in Washington, D.C. This signature...
State Perspectives in Chemical Regulation
The following videos feature Peter Hsaio of Morrison and Foerster who presented at "TSCA, FIFRA, and Chemical Regulation: Federal and State Perspectives" session at the ALI CLE Environmental Law 2018 conference. The Environmental Law 2018...
Property Rights in the Age of Global Warming
This video features Jonathan Wood discussing Lucas v South Carolina, property rights, and the extent to which the government bears financial responsibility when property is lost due to floods and rising sea levels. Jonathan Wood is an attorney at...